Wednesday 25 December 2013

Cinnamon Knots

This is one of my husbands favorite and I really like eating this as well, specially with coffee. I make this whenever we get visitors at home. Try this delicious recipe and you'll love it too.
- 500 grams all purpose flour
- 80 grams sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1/2 tsp ground kardemomme
- 2 packs of dry yeast
- 1 egg
- 75 grams butter cut in cubes
- 250 ml milk
- 100 grams raisins (optional)

- 50 grams butter
- 3 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 and 1/2 tbsp cinnamon powder

- 1 egg for egg wash

1. Warm the milk. I use microwave to do it, 45 seconds with 700 watts.
2. Add 2 package of yeasts to the warm milk and mix well then leave it in the corner while you mix the rest.
3. You can do this by hand or kitchen machine, but for me I use food processor. Place the flour, salt, sugar, kardemomme, egg and raisins and mix for a minute.
4. Add the milk and yeast mixture and mix everything for a minute or two.
5. Take a bowl, I prefer to use glass bowl for this. Brush with oil inside and place the dough on it.
 Cover it with plastic cling wrap and let the dough rise in warm area at your house for 30 minutes to an hour until it doubles in size.
6. Do this first when the dough is ready. Mix the butter, sugar and cinnamon an a bowl
7. Punch the dough inside the bowl to let the air exit. Place the dough in a floured surface and knead a bit then flatten the dough with a roller pin while you form an oblong square.

 8. Spread the butter, sugar and cinnamon mixture onto half of the flattened dough.
9. Fold the dough to one side.
 10. Slice the dough as seen on the photo (1 inch or 1 and a half inch in width).
 11. Twist the sliced dough and make a knot. Line them on an oven tray with a baking paper.
12. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.
13. Brush the cinnamon knots with the eggwash prepared.
egg wash (beaten egg)
14. When oven is ready, place the dough in the middle and bake it for 10 minutes.
15. Taste one while it's still a bit warm.

Enjoy eating with family and friends!

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